
Official documentation for using HEROW SDK

View the Project on GitHub herowio/herow-docs

What is HEROW?

HEROW is a location & geofencing mobile SDK (Software Development Kit) for mobile apps. The tech is fully open sourced and available in native, Flutter & React Native.

What it do?

HEROW helps you make sense of location data at scale: know where your users are, where they live & work, run their daily errands and much more… Using our SDK & SaaS platform, one can create places (mapping areas of interest). Users will then start generating events when they enter one. These events can be used to measure foot traffic at selected locations, trigger geotargetted engagement or create visit segments.

What value do I get out of it

How to use it

Just implement a few lines of code (available in our GitHub), the rest is pure magic! You can then manage it from our interface on my.herow.io or simply push the data to third party partners:

What do I do next?

Contact us through our website’s chat or shoot us an email at onboarding@herow.io